Meeting in Orsay 7 December 2004
J-L, Biarrotte, A. Chance, R. DuperrierT. Lamy, B. Laune, F. Lemuet, M. Lindroos,
F. Meot, A. Muller, O. Napoly, J. Payet, P. Sortais, A. Tkatchenko
objective of the meeting was to agree on suitable work packages and work tasks
for the different groups working in France on the beta-beam.
presentations were made:
Mats Lindroos on the status of the EURISOL
Design study
Jacques Payet on the status of the design of
a high energy decay ring
Presentation prepared by Michael
Benedikt on the status of the beta-beam task within the design study
outcome can be summarised as follows:
- The
CEA team lead by Jacquet Payet will focus on the design of the high energy
decay ring (gamma 100-150 for 18Ne and 6He).
- The
IN2P3-Orsay team lead by Andrew Tkatchenko will focus on the design of the
low energy part (below PS energies).
Jean-Francois Meot will look into the possibility to use an FFAG type
machine (scaling?) for (part of) the low energy stage. A milestone was set
for this particular sub-task for the proposed September meeting of the
beta-beam task.
Bernard Laune will look into the possibility to use a cyclotron for (part
of) the low energy stage. Just as for the FFAG sub-task a milestone was set
for this particular sub-task for the proposed September beta-beam meeting.
Theirry Lamy and Pascal Sortais from IN2P3-LPSC in Grenoble believed it
possible to have some first estimate for a charge state distribution and
plasma density from the 60 GHz ECR source for the September beta-beam
- The
final technology choice for the low energy stage of the beta-beam, including
the need of a special linear accelerator for acceleration of multiple charge
states will be taken before the end of 2005 so that all resources can be
re-focused to the chosen option for the three remaining years of the design