Monday 17 January
Session on the beta-beam and the design study (Chairperson:
Mats Lindroos)
- 11:00-11:15, Welcome address, K. Peach, RAL
- 11:15-11:40, The beta-beam base-line, S. Hancock, CERN
- 11:40-12:10, The low energy beta-beam, C. Volpe, IN2P3, Orsay
- 12:10-12:30, The EURISOL design study, P. Butler, Liverpool Univ. and CERN
Session on the beta-beam and the design study continues
(Chairperson: Chris Prior)
- 14:00-14:20, The beta-beam task, M. Benedikt, CERN
- 14:20-14:35, Synergies with other tasks, M. Lindroos, CERN
- 14:35-14:50, The decay ring - first design, Jacquet Payet, CEA, Saclay
- 14:50-15:05, Cyclotron options, B. Laune, IN2P3, Orsay
- 15:05-15:35, FFAG options, S. Koscielniak, TRIUMF
- 16:00-16:20, Tracking studies to reduce losses and activation, F. Jones,
- 16:20-16:50, The beta-beam physics reach, M. Mezzetto, Univ of Padua
Session on synergies with Nuclear Physics (Chairperson:
Marielle Chartier)
- 16:50-17:20, The Challenges of Nuclear Physics, W. Gelletly, Surrey
- 17:20-17:50, The Perspectives of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Dynamics,
Y. Blumenfeld, IPN, Orsay
- 17:50-18:15, Radioactive Ion Beam projects in Europe, J.
Dinner at 19:30 in Cosener house! Ken Peach invites
us for Sherry at 19:30 followed by dinner at 20:00. The menu is:
- Tomato and Pepper Soup
- Supreme of Chicken withy Mushrooms
- Mango Bavarois and Mango Sorbet with Raspberry
- Coffee and Chocolates
Tuesday 18 January
Session on synergies with Nuclear Physics continues
(Chairperson: Marielle Chartier)
- 09:00-09:25, Nuclear astrophysics
with exotic beams, P.Woods, Univ of. Edinburgh
- 09:25-09:50, Structure of exotic
nuclei, W.Catford
- 09:50-10:15, Fundamental symmetries
and interactions, K. Jungmann, KVI
Session on synergies with Particle Physics
(Chairperson: Rob Edgecock)
- 10:45-11:15, Importance of neutrino oscillation parameter measurements,
S. King, Univ of Southampton
- 11:15-11:50, Absolute neutrino mass measurements, K. Zuber,
Univ of Sussex
- 11:50-12:15, Neutrino Factory and synergy with beta beam, R. Edgecock,
Session on synergies with Particle Physics continues
(Chairperson: Rob Edgecock)
- 13:30-13:55, Neutrino Factory Physics, K. Long, Imperial college
- 13:55-14:20, Other long baseline projects, A. Weber, RAL
- 14:20-14:45, Future reactor projects, S. Biller, Univ of Oxford
- 14:45-15:00, Discussion, R. Edgecock, RAL
Open 1st meeting of the EURISOL beta-beam task, 15:00-16:00
chaired by Michael Benedikt
- Introduction
- Status of the beta-beam task
- Meetings in 2004