Beta-beam parameter list (baseline)
Lattice files (January 2007)
The database has been updated with changes triggered by the increase of the RCS extraction energy to 3.5 GeV proton equivalent (29.Nov.2006).
The parameter list is based on the cycling scheme described in "Parameter and Intensity Values, Version 2", with intensities values fulfilling the top-down approach in order to reach the nominal physics request.
DB access with Mathematica
Parameter and Intensity Values, Version 1, April 2005 (doc-version), EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-05-01
Parameter and Intensity Values, Version 2, July 2005 (doc-version), EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-05-03 (revised 13th October 2005, see equation 2 and table 2)
Decay losses along the accelerator chain of the Beta-beam, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-05-05
Preliminary design of a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron for the EURISOL Beta-beam facility ,EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-02
First design for the optics of the decay ring of the beta-beams, A. Chancé and J. Payet, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-05
Simulation of the losses by decay in the decay ring for the beta-beams, A. Chancé and J. Payet, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-06
Database of the Parameter List for the EURISOL Beta-Beam Task, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-07
Estimate of eddy current effects in the vacuum chamber of the Beta-Beam RCS, A. Lachaize, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-08
Updated RF characteristics of the Beta-beam RCS , A Lachaize, EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-09
Possible ways of increasing the number of (anti-) neutrinos from the EURISOL Beta-beam facility (doc-version), EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-05-02 (revised 10th June 2005)
Accumulation in a ring at low energy for the beta-beam, A. Källberg and M. Lindroos (doc-version), EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-05-04
The Beta-beam within EURISOL DS, M. Benedikt and M. Lindroos (doc-version), EURISOL DS/TASK12/TN-06-01
A survey of the introduction of rare-earth nuclei into the BETA-BEAM accelerator chain in order to attain a monochromatic neutrino beam (.doc version), M. A. Fraser, EURISOL DS task note 12-25-2008-0011
The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the EURISOL Beta-Beam facility, A. Lachaize and A. Tkatchenko, EURISOL DS task note 12-25-2008-0012
C. Omet et al., Charge change-induced beam losses under dynamic vacuum conditions in ring accelerators, New Journal of Physics 8 (2006) 284
A. Källberg, A Low Energy Accumulation Stage for a Beta-beam Facility, EPAC 2006
M. Benedikt et al., Estimation of Decay Losses and Dynamic Vacuum for the Beta-beam Accelerator Chain, EPAC 2006
S. Hancock et al., Stacking Simulations in the Beta-beam Decay Ring, EPAC 2006
A. Chancé et al., The Beta-beam Decay Ring Design, EPAC 2006
A. Chancé et al., The Losses Management in the Beta-beam Decay Ring, EPAC 2006
A. Chancé , J. Payet, Studies of the injection system in the decay ring of a Beta-beam neutrino source, PAC 2005
M. Benedikt, S. Hancock, A novel scheme for injection and stacking of radioactive ions at high energy, NIM A 550 (2005) 1–5
Poster for Gran Sasso workshop, June 2007, EURISOL note 12-25-2007-10
Future options for the beta-beam with a focus on production issues, M. Lindroos, NUFACT07
See also list of references (study group)
Simulation of asymmetric bunch merging: animated gif
Restricted access to ppt versions of various presentations