1st task meeting
2nd task meeting
3rd task meeting
4th task meeting
5th task meeting 6th task meeting
7th task meeting
8th task meeting
EURISOL Design Study
3rd Beta-beam Task Meeting,
May 2006, GSI
(Theorie Seminarraum, SB3 3.170a)
Introduction and Base Line Parameters |
09:00 | Welcome | P. Spiller |
09:10 |
Introduction and Status | M. Benedikt |
09:35 | Parameter list | E. Wildner |
10:00 |
Coffee |
Beta-Beam Task – Status and Progress |
10:15 | RCS design status | A. Lachaize |
10:50 | Vacuum simulations of RCS, PS, SPS and stabilization | M. Kirk |
11:25 | STRAHLSIM | C. Omet |
11:40 | Lattice optimization for collimation | J. Stadlmann |
12:15 |
Lunch |
13:15 |
Visit of GSI facilities |
14:15 | Decay Ring optics, injection/collimation layout | A. Chance |
14:50 | Decay Ring stacking simulations | S. Hancock |
15:25 | Decay Ring collimation and absorption | A. Fabich |
15:45 |
Coffee |
16:00 | Status of Accumulator Cooling Ring | A.Simonsson |
16:20 | Report from tasks 6, 9 and 10 on beam preparation | A. Fabich |
16:30 |
Discussion and conclusions |
all |
17:00-17:30 | Steering group meeting | closed session |
restricted access to PowerPoint presentation
List of participants: M. Benedikt, A. Chance, A. Fabich, S. Hancock, A. Kaellberg, A. Lachaize, M. Lindroos, A. Mueller, M. Omet, J. Payet, A. Simonsson, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, A. Tkatchenko, E. Wildner